Effective political action is like improving your health.
We're not talking a fad 2-week diet so you can fit into your dress by reunion time. We're not talking mass riots in the streets until the regime change finally comes.
We're talking lifestyle change.
We're talking habits.
We're talking about waking up every morning thinking about what you're doing this week to affect small change.
We're talking slow but intentional changes to how you consume internet, media, and natural resources.
We're talking about examining your dependencies and thinking about what you can actually dump.
We're talking about letting go of unhealthy technologies.
We're talking about a list of phone numbers you call every week to voice your concerns.
We're talking about exercising your mind daily on mental tasks you might need someday.
We're talking about the small but regular conversations to gently persuade and plant seeds of doubt and curiosity.
We're talking about the local friendships you make with the store clerk and the FedEx deliverer.
We're talking about positioning yourself in the right place and building trust with the right people, so at the right time you can make one subtle change that will gum up the works.
I don't know exactly what actions are best or what you feel inspired by. I don't know what changes *your* particular life needs. But this isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. It isn't a hero that will save us, but teamwork - each of us focusing on our own part and trusting everyone else.
With what's wrong in this world today, it's going to take a complete and total change in *how you live*. Especially if you live in the West.
Because ultimately, this isn't about overthrowing the Elected Fascist of the Year.
It's about decolonization. It's about sustainability. It's about overthrowing the Fascism of the Whole Damn Era.
Next post I'll talk examples, some of the changes I've made in my life.