Released my full transputer OS, K&R C compiler and utilities (1996)
#HackerNews #transputer #OS #KRCcompiler #retrocomputing #open #source #technology #1996

Released my full transputer OS, K&R C compiler and utilities (1996)
#HackerNews #transputer #OS #KRCcompiler #retrocomputing #open #source #technology #1996
Teil eines Transputer-Systems, Eigenentwicklung an der TU München, ca. 1989. Zu sehen war das gute Stück in der Ausstellung am VCFe 7.0 (2006).
Das nächste VCFe ist am 3./4. Mai in München, die Ausstellerliste füllt sich:
#VCFe #VCFe7.0 #VCFeHistory #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #transputer
Very rare Atari ATW800 Transputer Workstation on sale in France #atari #transputer
Once upon a time in 1993 I was a teen, and I wrote a Pascal compiler for transputer. I was learning so many things. I've wrote an article about it, and released the code, along a newly coded transputer emulator #retro #transputer
A solid morning's progress on #Transputer #Forth - it now displays the first part of the cold boot message 'eForth v' and then crashes before displaying the version number. More squinting at the emulator output required, but that's a task for another session.